Boys Will Be Boys

golf-cartI generally work a half day on Fridays which allows me to go golfing in the afternoon if the weather is nice.  At the course I generally go to, they have a senior scramble Friday mornings.  When I say senior,  I mean most of the guys appear to be in their 60s and 70s. They are generally in the club house when I get there between 1 and 2.  They are going over the standings, prizes, etc. If not that they are in the parking lot unloading their golf carts.

I check in, and go to the first tee.  As I am warming up I hear all this racket, gravel spewing, old men laughing hysterically  and cheering.  I look through the woods to the graveled parking lot to discover that they are having golf cart drag races.

Of course, at this point in the round, more than a few Budweiser have had their tops popped.  However, boys will be boys no matter their age.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 2,583

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’m flipping through the channels and got stuck for a moment on the Rachel Maddox show.  They were showing a Trump rally somewhere.  There was a “gentleman” carrying a hand lettered sign that read, “Better to grab a P*&%y than to be one.

First at that point why are you bothering with masking the word pussy.  You have already stepped over the line.  Secondly, my thought was, “Hillary was right, many of the Trump supporters are deplorable.”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 5,168

yeah I know you did not ask!

Somehow or another, one of my email addresses has become known to the spammers.  I am getting several emails a day that read something like this, “Guys do you want to do it 3, 4, 5 or even 6 times a night…”

First of all in my prime I would have been lucky to do it 3 times a night, let alone 4, 5 or 6 times.  Secondly, I could see a couch in my future if tried to wake up my wife up for  whatever it is they think I could do 3, 4, 5 or even 6 times in one night.

2016 – Not the Time To Vote For A 3rd Party Presidential Candidate

There is a pretty good argument to be made that the reason George W. Bush defeated Al Gore in 2000 is due the votes the Ralph Nader garnered.  Undoubtedly most of those votes would have gone for Gore. Also undoubtedly a Gore presidency would have been head and shoulders above the cluster that was the Bush Presidency.  The world and our country would have been in a much better place than what has been left to us by Bush-Cheney disaster.

I understand folk’s disenchantment with both the major parties, Democrats and Republicans.  I do not know if it is still common, but in years past in some states when you registered to vote you had to declare party affiliation.  I usually registered as an independent which in many ways disenfranchised me. Continue reading “2016 – Not the Time To Vote For A 3rd Party Presidential Candidate”

Muslim Modesty

hijabI was driving in downtown St. Louis on my way to work.  On my left, walking on the side walk, was a Muslim woman dressed in a long, white skirt, a colorful long sleeve blouse with a high collar, and a long flowing hijab.  The hijab was the style that is tight around the face like the coif of a nun’s old school habit. After all a Muslim women should be prim and properly attired in public.  Modesty is the goal sought.

She crossed the street in front of my vehicle, Continue reading “Muslim Modesty”

Freeway Love

I left early enough, I thought, to beat the worse of the morning rush hour traffic.  Boy was I wrong. What is a 30 minute drive on the weekend, turned into over an hour.  It was stop and go, go and stop, creep along, and an occasional burst of speed of 30 mph or so.

It was at one of these stalled points that I noticed the couple behind me via the aid of my rearview mirror.  What first got my attention was that they were making out like crazy every time the traffic stopped.  The fellow was tall, wearing a cap, and the sun visor was down so I could not see him clearly.  He struck as a bubba type which did not make sense as he was driving a nearly new Audi SUV.  The gal was blonde with skin that had not seen Continue reading “Freeway Love”

And this man wants to be my President…

Actual Donald Trump sentence.  And this man believes he is qualified to President of these here United States of America.  Sigh…

“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist  and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Continue reading “And this man wants to be my President…”