Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,864

yeah I know you did not ask!

I scared the bejeebers out of myself this morning.

We were at some folk’s house and I was nonchalantly flipping though a magazine.  As I was about to flip the page I noticed an ad.  It had a picture of a middle-aged women with a mature but very nice figure.  She was in nothing but a bra and panties.   I idly thought, “That is a nice looking woman.”

Suddenly I realized it was an advertisement for Depends!!!



A Million Dollar Dinner

It was a beautiful night here in the St. Louis suburb of Chesterfield, clear sky and a temperature of 24 degrees (or 76 Fahrenheit, if you prefer).  We decided to sit outside on the patio to eat dinner.  It is Friday night and the culinary artist formerly known as Señora Weinhaus went simple.  We supped on a green salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing and a homemade pizza with lots of mushrooms and anchovies.   “Mmm, mmm good”, as Gomer Pyle used to say after a tryst.

As tasty as dinner was, what made the price of admission worth it was the floor show.  We were treated to 20 minutes of antics by 4 hummingbirds flitting around, using the feeder, and fighting over position on it.

There are 5 stations on the this feeder, but there seems to be some sort of hummingbird protocol for this particular feeder Continue reading “A Million Dollar Dinner”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #597

yeah I know you did not ask!

Compassionate Señora Weinhaus and I cycle between anger, depression and sadness about the current situation in the country.  Not all of it is fault of the Gospodin Trump administration, but much of it is.  Or least his response or lack of response to situations.

Which got me to wondering are there support groups for folks suffering from Trump PTSD?  If not there should be.

Pseudo-psychological Ramblings or Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

A little while ago I came across a local story in my news feed about a St. Louis area police officer.  He had been arrested for excessive use of a belt with his children.  This brought back a host of childhood memories.  I shared the article and my memories with my four brothers.  Like me, they had many war stories about growing up with our parents. Both our parents, but especially our mother, were strong believers in and practitioners of the old axiom “spare the rod, spoil the child.”  Today they would most likely be visited by various governmental services.  However, their attitude and behavior Continue reading “Pseudo-psychological Ramblings or Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,889

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was reading an article about the recent Republican National Convention.  The article referred to Mike Pence as Gospodin Trump’s wing man.  At the time I thought, “wingnut would be more accurate.”  Ruminating on that, I thought, “No, the function of a wingnut is to help hold things together.”  This administration’s handling of the country is more like a turbine breaking up at high speed.  Watch out for flying parts.

I am not sure what the appropriate term is for just another nut job circling around planet 666 aka Trump’s Dystopian World is, but anything I can think of is not appropriate for mixed company and children.

Sex Education in the 60s

An email exchange with my brothers had me reminiscing about how sex education was handled in the sixties… the 1960s smarty pants.

From my mother, and I have no idea what sparked her comment to the prepubescent me. At the time it seemed totally out of left field.

“God meant for men and women to be together, that is why their private parts fit together like a key in a lock.”

The best I can recall this was the last time she mentioned anything of a sexual nature to me.

And from my father, on the occasion of the 17 year old me washing the family car with a bosomy blonde.  It was not quite up to the Cool Hand Luke scene, or in retrospect maybe it was for my father!

“A cat was napping on the railroad tracks. A train came along and chopped off his tail. He turned around to see what had happened to his tail. While he was inspecting the damage another train came along from the other direction. It chopped off his head.

Know what the moral of this story is?

Don’t lose your head over a piece of tail.”

And that is the last I heard from him on the subject.

Forget about sex education in the schools, it was not taught.  Heck, I could not even buy condoms as a teenager in Rhode Island.  I am thankful to this day that I did not reenact Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones. And very lucky.

Keep well.

The Appropriation Of Cultures

Flipping through Twitter this morning someone commented if everyone would paint the Confederate battle flag on mailboxes, Gospodin Trump and his henchmen would leave them alone.  This brought back to mind one my favorite short stories of all time,  The Appropriation Of Cultures by Percival Everett. I first heard it listening to a podcast of Selected Shorts

The base premise of the story is a black professor buys a pickup with a Confederate flag on it from a redneck.  For me it was one those stories that embeds itself strongly in whatever part of your brain or psyche that happens in.  I am including a YouTube link to the short story parsed from an episode of Select Shorts.  IMHO, it more than worth the 20 minutes of your time invested in it.  Somehow it seems so perfect for right now.