Types of Vanilla Ice Cream

Señora had a dental procedure that left her less than 100% and made food choices a little problematic.  The obvious solution was ICE CREAM, plus it always nice to receive a treat after such things.  Being the wonderful, dutiful helpmate of a spouse that I am, off to the supermarket I went. Well, Wally World as I had to pick a few things that were not to be found at Schnucks.

Looking in the frozen food case at this epitome of the American shopping experience, I was perusing the more premium brands. After all, if you are going to treat, treat. I was looking at the vanilla ice cream as it is a flavor we both can agree on, and, by gawd, if I just had to buy ICE CREAM, I was going to partake too.

I encountered three types of vanilla ICE CREAM, plain vanilla, French vanilla and vanilla bean. Not knowing the difference I chose vanilla bean as it sounded cooler and tastier.

So what is the difference between the three types of vanilla ICE CREAM?

Plain vanilla ICE CREAM is made from vanilla extract, and one site called it the most boring.  I would not go that far as I like just about any type of vanilla ICE CREAM. It is the least expensive and easiest to mass produce with the liquid vanilla extract, and thus the most common.

French vanilla ICE CREAM has a yellow hue because egg yolks are included in the recipe.

Finally there is vanilla bean ICE CREAM that is made from the actual vanilla bean.  It is easy to spot as it has small black specks in it from the vanilla bean. It supposedly is the richest and most tastiest of the vanilla ICE CREAMS. It cost more to produce and is not near as common as regular vanilla.  It was very tasty, but I may have to go back and buy all three types to do a taste test to see if there really is that much difference in the flavors.  Sounds like a good excuse for a party.

I was wondering, though, if there is a French vanilla bean ICE CREAM.

Comparing The Different Flavors Of Vanilla Ice Cream

And now you know.

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One Reply to “Types of Vanilla Ice Cream”

  1. If I eat vanilla (usually only when there’s chocolate cake with chocolate icing at hand), I pick either a French vanilla or vanilla bean. The plain stuff isn’t worth the calories NMHO.

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