Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,415

yeah I know you did not ask!

As you are cruising around your day, have you ever looked at person and thought, “This person has completely given up… on themselves, on life, en todo?” But then again, you never really know what journey someone has been on.

While, on occasion, I have felt that way for brief periods throughout my life, I have generally snapped out of it.  Most of my adult life I have exercised in one fashion or another.  Especially the last  two maybe two and half decades I have been reasonably careful about my ethanol consumption, but I will admit to having that extra glass of scotch on occasion.  I have tried to watch what eat, although if there are cookies, or gawd forbid, a pecan pie or ice cream around the house, they will disappear quicker than dollar bills at a strip club. What is that tired old saw about resisting everything except temptation? And of course, I see the doctor and dentist regularly.

However, of late, I have found myself going WTF, what does it matter, more and more often. Just go ahead and do it. Or WTF, why bother with that silly treadmill today.  While the probability of my being alive in 15 years is not zero, it is not far from it.  The chances of me being alive in 10 years is reasonable, around 50 – 75% – sites differ. The kicker being that  their algorithms do not include the high probability that Señora could crown me with a frying pan at any moment. So far I’ve been able to give myself a good talking to, but I can foresee the day when WTF will win out. Why try so hard when the purgatory of a nursing home could be in your future? Perhaps I should model myself after Señora. She has more zest for living, while fighting chronic health issues, than 93.27% of the folks that I know. I should be referring to her as Señora Trooper.

Now that I have delivered to you my daily uplifting message… that is what you get for allowing me to walk around Wal-Mart.

And so it goes.

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