Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5784.328

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

Twas the day after Thanksgiving, and neither Señora nor I had even the glimmer of ambition to get out there amongst them on this day of  frenzied consumerism known as Black Friday.  In other words, we were staying home and taking it easy.

Normally, my day begins by drinking a little coffee, flipping through the news on my non-Apple phone, followed by taking care of the three “S”s.  Of course, the last “S” being showering.   One reason I do this is that I have scheduled my Spanish conversational practice classes fairly early in the morning, mainly to give myself an inducement to get out of bed at a reasonable hour. Since I have the dubious honor of having my picture next to the definition of bedhead in most standard dictionaries of the English language, I definitely need to shower before I talk to someone in another country.  After all I need to represent the US of A in a somewhat acceptable manner.

This morning I lounged around longer than normal, drinking coffee and reading the news as I had no class – and yes, I just tossed someone a softball. I even skipped showering at this juncture of the day, opting to go to the basement somewhat late to utilize the treadmill and weights.  When I was done I fixed myself lunch consisting of a turkey and dressing sandwich.

With both of us being retirees, we have flexible schedules, but stay busy enough to suit us.  One of our standard questions to the other is what does their day look like. When I got up from the kitchen table Señora asked me a variation of this question.

“Where are you headed next?

Replying I said, “I am going to go shower.”

With surprise in her voice, she queried, “You’ve not showered yet?”

Responding, thinking of my bedhead, I countered, “Do I look like have showered?”

Her unhesitating retort was, “I just live with you, I don’t LOOK at you.”

Well… reckon I was rapidly put back into my proper place.

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