Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5784.277

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

 Señora and I typically stay very busy with our various activities.  She has her choirs, her huge circle of friends, her pottery, her gardens,  and, of course, keeping me out of trouble. Plus she has become a little more active at her synagogue.  I have my various fields of study, like Spanish, various courses on Wondrium, etc.  I sometimes think I have way too many hobbies, golf, fishing, photography, etc, but I like to be busy.  Add in the stack of books that I am anticipating reading – someday, and I frequently go to bed feeling like I did not get done all I wanted to do.

However, occasionally we find ourselves with a quiet day.  Such was the case the other morning.  We both were laying in bed, sipping coffee.  I was flipping through the news on my phone while Señora was solving her various daily puzzles on hers.

As is our wont, she asked me what my day looked liked.

“Well,” I responded, “After I am done with the news  I will probably work out.  Then if I am hungry I will have some lunch.  The yard needs mowing so I will take care of that.  Hopefully I will complete all that in time to take a nap before dinner.”

“Sounds good,” Señora said,  I will meet you back here this afternoon then.”

Awww… the life of Riley… oops I meant retirees.

And so it goes.

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