Do you know what…

Occasionally Señora and I will find ourselves alone, walking Princess Lily, riding in the car together, sitting around the firepit savoring a fine bottle  of 2020 Chambourcin from Stricker Weinkellers, obviously a wonderful time to have a deep, intimate or intellectual conversation about any number of topics. Señora has a propensity to start off these opportunities for erudite palaver with the phrase, “You know what…”.

Last time this happened I replied, “Which one, I know both the Watt boys.  I went to school with both of them.”


“Yeah, I went to school with both the Watt boys, James and William.  Well William they generally call Bubba, but William is what they said when they called the roll.”


“I thought you wanted to know about the Watt boys.”

A strange gurgling sound was emanating from Señora, but she had asked if I knew Watt so I powered on.

“James is the real go-getter of the two, especially when he gets up a full head of steam. Of course, the knock on him is that he is a bit of a hot head if he does not get a chance to vent from time to time.”


“Stay with me now.  You asked about the Watt boys.  I think Bubba – William to you school teacher types – gets a bum rap.  It might be because he does try to surf on James’ wake all the time, but people say he is not the brightest bulb in the Watt household. ”

“What, what are you talking about?”

“You asked if I knew Watt.  I know the whole family.  In fact I used to go over to their house occasionally after school and I got to know their parents a little. Did you know their mother’s maiden name was Watt.”


“Yeah Watt, but don’t worry, she is from the Watts over there around Tickbush.  No relation to the Watts from around here. The preacher had the same question. You can’t have cousins marrying cousins, folks be thinking they were royalty or something.”


“Did you know when she married their father she wanted to hyphenate her name.  I think her sister Sue Watt talked her out of it by telling her, ‘Watt-Watt would be a silly last name, people be thinking you were trying to get all uppity-up or something like one of them there mathematical formulas… watt squared, don’t go there girl.’ ”


“Well I am kind of that opinion too, can you imagine her introducing herself, Hi, I am Mrs. Watt-Watt.  It would have folks talking. The Watts are a proud family, you can’t have that. ”


“I see you are finally coming around to my point of view.  Of course their father did cause a bit of a scandal after their wedding night. He was seen pounding his chest the next day and proclaiming ‘you know what, I knew Watt… in the biblical sense’, then laughing hysterically.  I don’t think Mrs. could-have-been Watt-Watt ever really got over the embarrassment, but you know what, they did go on to have two sons.  Did I tell you about their dog?”


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After yesterday’s vaguely gloomy posting, I thought one in a slightly lighter vein might be in order.

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