They Almost Had It Right

I was walking through one of big box stores that dominant the American retail landscape.  TrumpHeaded towards the checkout was white male in the 3oish… 40ish age bracket.  He had on a t-shirt the front of which read,”DONALD FUCKIN’ TRUMP’.  The back read,”IF YOU DON’T BLEED RED, WHITE & BLUE, TAKE YOUR BITCHIN’ ASS HOME”

I started to say something to this individual, then  reminded myself that you cannot argue with stupid.

I’m not a prude, but wearing a t-shirt with profanity on it is a line no one should cross.  Continue reading “They Almost Had It Right”

Wisdom from the Alzheimer’s ward

My mother who cannot remember my name; my mother who thinks her mother is still alive which would make my grandmother 119 years old;  my mother who was surprised when I reminded her that she was once married; my mother who wanted to know what restaurant we were at as the staff at her nursing home was putting out dinner… Sung the whole chorus to this song 5 or 6 times in the hour I was there.  I really found it a piece of wisdom from a surprising source.  Of course, the song does have an “eat, drink, and do Mary for tomorrow we die” theme to it.   But sometimes that is not bad advice.

I have included the YouTube video of a Guy Lombardo rendition of the song below.

Just for the record my mother has  been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  She is in a lock-in memory management unit at The Baptist Village in Oklahoma.

Transgender Bathrooms

4715One of the big issues waging in the never ending culture wars is “bathroom” laws.  This has been brought on by attempting to deal with transgender folks on a level that meets their needs.  Transgender people would like use public restrooms that match what they perceive as their gender identity.  Many states have passed laws attempting to force transgender people to use public restrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates.

First a confession, Continue reading “Transgender Bathrooms”

The Parable of the Wee Dog

The Wee Dog

The Wee Dog is a terrier mix.  Or as I am fond of saying, “part terrier and part mama got out.” I call her the Wee Dog because she weighs in at a whopping 14 or 15 pounds.  However, most of it is muscle with the rest some very wild, wiry black and white fur.  The fur over her eyes has a tendency to grow and droop over those organs. The Wee Dog’s mother aka Robin works diligently to keep this area trimmed as well as the rest of the wilderness that is her coat.  For whatever reason through my anthropomorphizing eyes the Wee Dog always looks very worried.

Being a rescue dog the Wee Dog has some issues, most of which she has grown out over the last year or so. Continue reading “The Parable of the Wee Dog”