Daddy Dog rescues Lilly

If you know us you know that we have a little lap dog name Lilly.  She weighs around 15 or 16 pounds, and none of it is fat.  She keeps all her fat ran off chasing squirrels she never even gets close to.   This weekend we are babysitting Osho,  the dog of Robin’s son.  Osho is a tad larger, probably weighing in at 60 or more pounds.  The two are them are best buds which frequently causes me to refer to them as Mutt and Jeff.  Unless you are of a certain age you probably do not remember Mutt and Jeff, but they were two characters in the comics that the newspapers of antiquity used to run.  One was short and the other was tall.

This weekend we had 10 inches of snow at our house.  Some areas close by got more snow. When the snow first fell is was soft and loose.  Lilly had a bit of a problem getting through, but she could do so by hopping Continue reading “Daddy Dog rescues Lilly”

Keystone Diamonds

I went fishing the other night below Keystone Dam about dark-thirty.  I fished a couple of hours without nary a bite.  It was hot and muggy without much of a breeze so the bugs were out in full force.  They found the sweet, tender meat of my ankles much to their liking.  None of this would have mattered if the fish had been biting.

As I sat there waiting for the tips of my rods to go crazy with the thrashings of a 30-pound cat, I noticed a 4-legged cat or two making its way down to river.  At first I thought Continue reading “Keystone Diamonds”

OpEd piece NYT – Why Trump Reigns as King Cyrus

This is one of the scariest things I have read in a while.

I’ve long wondered about Gospodin Trump’s attraction to “Christians”.  To me he is the antithesis of all things Christian, he is the antithesis of all things democratic, he is the antithesis of all things moral…

Yet I know many folks who identify as Evangelical Christians and they will be quick to tell you the Gospodin Trump is a vehicle of change sent by God.  That is typically the point where I excuse myself to go puke in the bathroom.  While not a believer myself I do try to be sensitive to the religiosity of others, but their fanaticism about Gospodin Trump really makes wonder if this is deserved.

A quote from the article :

“This isn’t the religious right we thought we knew. The Christian nationalist movement today is authoritarian, paranoid and patriarchal at its core. They aren’t fighting a culture war. They’re making a direct attack on democracy itself.

The article entire can be found here:  Why Trump Reigns as King Cyrus

Want to Learn Sudoku? Try the Sudoku Guy.

A Canadian gentleman has a YouTube channel teaching Sudoku.  He is very knowledgeable and entertaining. He calls himself The Sudoku Guy, and the name fits.

A story about the Sudoku Guy from the CBC:

You can find the Sudoku Guy’s YouTubeChannel here:

And as a tease, the Sudoku Guy’s first video

Rush – The Belt Buckle

I’m not a big fan of the Canadian rock band Rush, but they do have one thing that I really like.  It is their Rush belt buckles.  The reason is obvious, my last name is Rush and since I wear a lot of cowboy boots it is a fun thing to do.

I’m in the doctor’s office the other day, and the nurse is doing all the pre-doctor-comes-blowing-in things that nurses do when she comments, “I just love your belt buckle.”  I had on the one with big red letters, R U S H.  I was also supine on the examination table at the time, so the buckle was very obvious.

The nurse being somewhat younger than this seasoned citizen, I had to explain to her that it was from the website of the Canadian rock band of the same name.  Since my last name is Rush I found them a necessary item for my vaguely cowboyish/country attire that I occasionally sport.

She then commented that her 14 year old son was really into to the rock band Queen.

I replied, “I don’t think that would be a good belt buckle for your son.”

She was still laughing when she left the room.

And just in case you want one of Rush’s belt buckles:



Paul H. Carr inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame

My uncle, Paul H. Carr, is a man of legend in my mother’s family.  He was one of 9 surviving children, 8 of whom were girls, with my mother as the youngest.  I don’t know the exact date, but my grandparents divorced, something very unusual for that period of time.  This left my grandmother to raise the last part of the brood by herself.  She did whatever was necessary to keep all fed, housed and clothed. While doing that, she was famous for helping those in need who were not part of her family. It was just who she was.   In many ways my grandmother, aka Mama Carr, is also a family legend.  Proof of this was the summers at Mama Carr’s house where “The Sisters” would faithfully return with their own broods to stay for various lengths of time. I remember that there always seemed to be a gang of cousins there.  I believe “The Sisters” truly revered my grandmother.

Paul H. Carr came of age, and by this I mean he graduated high school, right in the middle of War World II.  He was an only son, he was a farm boy, it would have been easy for him to have gotten a deferment and stay out of the war.  Like so many of his generation he chose not to.  He chose country and patriotism   above all other considerations.  I’m not quite sure why Continue reading “Paul H. Carr inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame”

Donald eres un pendejo

So I have been taking Spanish lessons via Italki using Skye for a while now. The other evening I was working with a young man from Guatemala.  The subject of the dysfunctional man now pretending to be POTUS came up.  He was telling me there is a very popular t-shirt in his country (and as it turns out through out the Latino world) that reads “Donald eres un pendejo“.

Just in case you are not up on your Mexican obscenities, pendejo is asshole.

Plus I would assume it is disrespectful to use the personal you when addressing a man of the supposed stature of Gospodin Trump.

Apparently the whole world, except redneck America, hates Donald Trump…go figure.

You gotta go with your strength

One of my coworkers is a gentleman of 50 something years. He has a glass eye.

Wednesday of course, was Halloween, and they had a Trunk-or-Treat event in our office. The building had a costume event so there were more than a few souls not in business casual.

Where you get such things is beyond me, but my coworker had replaced his “dress” glass eye with a gag one. For all the world, it look like his eyeball was enucleating in a projectile fashion so that there was about 2 inches of “goo” projecting from his eye socket. To complete the ensemble he had fake blood on his white shirt. He was such a happy camper as folks would look at him, become aghast, then start twittering nervously.

My favorite definition of sanity is, “knowing how to go insane safely.” Bingo.

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Every year one of neighbor has an outdoor Halloween party for the adults, a pot luck affair.  The neighbors sit up a fire pit, cook a big dish of this or that, and provide the area.  Of course, we all bring candy and mug the Trick-or-Treaters as they come by trying to get rid of our candy. No one wants to have to take the sweets home.  Resistance is futile when it comes to chocolate.

Normally, Robin is the one in the gang of adults passing out candy to the kids as they come by.  She off doing something else and gave the bowl of goodies to me to dispense to the young revelers.

I was doing so when one of them asked me, “What are you supposed to be?”

Now I had come from work and pretty much went straight to the festivities.  I had on cowboy boots, cords and a regular shirt.  I had added a newsboy hat and fleece jacket before we went as it was just wee bit cool and we were to be outside. My hair is a little on the long side.

Not knowing what to answer, I told the truth, “tall and ugly, ugly and tall…”

And that seem to satisfy the young inquisitioner.