¿Estudiando español? Studying Spanish? 3 Recommendations

If you are studying Spanish outside of normal channels, that is by yourself and not in a classroom, I have 3 recommendations for you. One thing to realize is that as a second language, Spanish is the second most studied language in the world, just behind French and Mandarin. As such there is a whole industry, cottage and corporate, available for aiding you in your language journey. The chore is sifting through all of it.

My 1st Recommendation:  Check out iTalki.com

This is a platform for connecting students and teachers from around the globe.   There are many other sites that do this, but when I was first looking iTalki was getting the best reviews and comments.  And deservedly so. There are basically 2 types of teachers Continue reading “¿Estudiando español? Studying Spanish? 3 Recommendations”

Squirrelly Squatter

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It is extremely cold outside the last couple days, and creatures are looking for refuge where ever they can.  This particularly enterprising individual took up residence in an old birdhouse at the corner of our patio.  I wonder if he is going to file a homestead exemption?  I wonder if he realizes I am replacing his abode come springtime? And most importantly,  I wonder why did he split the blanket with Bullwinkle?

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,342

yeah I know you did not ask!

A little after I woke up this morning I looked at the weather app on my phone.  For all the world I was hoping I had changed it from Fahrenheit to Celsius.  I do that sometimes as I talk regularly with folks in other countries via Skype in my endeavor to learn the Spanish language.  While I can do the temperature conversion fairly rapidly in my head, it easier just to change the settings on the app.  People living on or close to the equator are somewhat fascinated by cold and variable weather of the northern latitudes.  Or maybe we are just trying to find a topic to talk about!

The story I like to tell about is talking to a young man in Honduras.  When he popped on my Skype screen he was in a jacket and had on mittens.  I asked him if he was cold.  He replied that he was freezing and explained to me it was 15 degrees (59 degrees Fahrenheit). All is relative.  Some folks here would have been in shorts at that temperature in January.

Long story, short…I had not changed the temperature scale in use on my phone.  It is just freaking cold today and getting colder.

Headline Stress Disorder

All my adult life I have been a news junkie. That ended November 2016 after the election of the criminal we now have in the White House.  I tuned my clock radio from the NPR station it had been on for 30 years to a music station. I did the same in my cars , but not my bride’s Outback.  For many weeks, probably going well into 2017, I did not look at the news in all the various forms that it comes at you.  Of course, this is not entirely possible to do, but I did do  my utmost to avoid the news.  The election of 2016 truly depressed me Continue reading “Headline Stress Disorder”

The Utter Delight of Discovering Echoes

My son was hiking with my grandson in a nature area close to their home in Fayetteville, AR.  I’ll let you figure out who is who! My grandson realized by himself that he could create an echo.  The delightful laughter is his response to this discovery and his experimenting with it.

He had been doing this for 2 or 3 minutes when my son decided he needed to video the experience.

Ah… the wonder of childhood to be delighted by simple pleasures and simple discoveries.

Grasshopper, we all need to open ourselves to such wonder.

Religious Folks and Donald J. Trump

I am going to preface this article by saying I truly want to know that the answer is.

It is something I have pondered on, and I have a few theories.  However, not being a religious person I am truly perplexed by the religious rights and evangelicals in particular support of the Donald J. Trump.  It is something that I just cannot get my mind around.

I don’t want to poison the well too much Continue reading “Religious Folks and Donald J. Trump”

Smarter than the whole bunch…

I just finished 3 days of backpacking with my son and one of my brothers, Mike, in Arkansas. One of the things I have been doing for years after a hike in Arkansas, if I am anywhere near Jasper, Arkansas, is to treat myself to a meal at the Ozark Café.  This particular café is more than a hundred years old, seems to be a favorite with the locals, and is written up frequently in the Arkansas Times. The food is almost invariably very good or better, the coffee is even more so, and the service is in the same category.

Jasper is not very big, the population is 440 souls. It is however, right on the Buffalo National River.  In season the area is very popular for canoeing, backpacking, trout fishing, hunting and many types of outdoor activities.  They reintroduced elk into the area a few decades ago and they are thriving there.  While we only heard of a report of black bears from other hikers, we did see bear sign more than once. It is a fun area to hike with the scenery and wildlife.

I am eating my meal at the Ozark Café, and catty-corner from me is a table where there is sitting Continue reading “Smarter than the whole bunch…”