Dollars are votes for Fox News

Fox News at one level is simply a symptom of the disease overtaking our country.  At a different level they are aggravating and are part of the etiology of this malady.  The malady is ultra conservatism.  The malady is aggrandizing  of Trump, unfettered capitalism, racism and pseudo-religious values.  The malady is the denigration of immigrants, other religions, people of color,  people that do not fit into the Norman Rockwell Continue reading “Dollars are votes for Fox News”

Trump’s Coronavirus Pandemic Timeline

Dec 18th – House Impeaches Trump

Jan 8th – First CDC warning

Jan 9th – Trump campaign rally

Jan 14th – Trump campaign rally

Jan 16th – House sends impeachment articles to Senate

Jan 18th – Trump golfs

Jan 19th – Trump golfs

Jan- 20th first case in South Korea

Jan 20th – first case of corona virus in the US, Washington State. Continue reading “Trump’s Coronavirus Pandemic Timeline”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,228

yeah I know you did not ask!

If you have been watching any TV lately you may have noticed there are a plethora of ads promoting how much various companies care about us in these troubling times.  They are touting how they have been here for us, are here for us now, will be there for us after the crisis has passed.

If they really care about us and this country they can do two things right now that would have a huge impact on the quality of life in this country.

First, they can stop advertising on Fox News.  This network’s goal is to push America to the absolute lowest common denominator.  They seem to be succeeding extraordinarily well at this. Fox News is without question a propaganda machine that does not have the best interest of this country at heart.

Secondly, the companies and the executives of these corporations should stop immediately giving money to the GOP.  I cannot figure out if the goal of the GOP is the elimination of our democracy or the creation of a Corpocracy,  Well…actually it is both.

Barring these corporations suddenly finding a moral compass, perhaps we should stop doing business with any company that advertises on Fox News.

Yeah, I know, I’m dreaming again.

I’ve become Melvin Udall

If you remember the 1997 movie, As Good As It Gets, you might remember who Melvin Udall is.  He is an OCD  misanthropic author, played by Jack Nicholson.  Melvin had several compulsive behaviors in the movie including excessive hand washing.

I’ve always been a bit of a hand washer. This habit is partly for good reasons, and partly because of some kink in a neuron somewhere in Continue reading “I’ve become Melvin Udall”

Caught the tip in my zipper

Let me preface this little piece with the caveat that you may need to be a man of a well experienced age to fully appreciate it… or perhaps to relate to it.

Yesterday I was part of the problem.  I was not practicing social distancing by staying at home.  I had to go out to a couple stores for what were, only by stretching it a far piece, necessities.  I was out of vodka so I needed to hit the liquor store, and I wanted to buy some paint.  My ADHD wife is getting a wee Continue reading “Caught the tip in my zipper”

I Scored Some Toilet Paper!!!

I find it very interesting that my bride, who, on occasion, views shopping as a recreational activity, has been sending me out there amongst them for groceries.  I understand why.  She has health issues, including a couple of auto-immune problems. She must feel that I am less likely to be affected by the virus.  Who knows. But I am doing my dangest to be safe when I shop.  Someone has to do it.

This morning I went to Aldi and Trader Joe’s.  I mention this because Continue reading “I Scored Some Toilet Paper!!!”

Before you vote, write a letter to your grandkids…

I was listening to a Living on Earth podcast as I was doing yard work this afternoon.  On one segment they were interviewing the author of The Optimist’s Telescope, Bina Venkataraman.

She made a point that struck home with me.  We are a society much too focused on the short term.  We are builders of quonset huts and not of cathedrals. When people go to vote they are thinking of their own immediate issues, probably whatever issue or problem is most current.  Her suggestion was before you go to vote, write a letter to your grandchildren or even great grandchildren. Explain to them why you voted they way you did.  The whole point being to make yourself think more of the long term.

This harks back to a theme I have mentioned several times in this blog, usufruct. It is actually a legal term referring to (layman here) the right to enjoy and profit from real property as long as you do not alter or damage it.  For me, this invokes the concept of stewardship.  We were handed this earth by the stewards that came before us, our ancestors.  We have an obligation to be stewards for the generations that are coming after us.

Write that damn letter to your grandkids.

Here is a link to that Interview with Venkataraman.

Zombie Apocalypse and Silver Linings

In my somewhat long and very circuitous life I have lived through several natural disasters, economic, spiritual and emotional crises. The current one of COVID-19 feels different on so many levels.   With natural disasters and to some extent with economic crises there is something physical to grasp onto, something to see.  Especially with natural crises, there is often something physical you can do.  Our physicality in this crisis is limited to sheltering in place. With a natural disaster you generally have a timeline.  You have an expectation Continue reading “Zombie Apocalypse and Silver Linings”