What a Long Strange trip It’s Been

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I was looking for something in the living room at the front of the house. We call this room, the music room, as that is where Señora’s 123 year old Mason & Hamlin piano resides. This piano is bigger than a baby grand piano, but not quite up to a full size grand.  I, humorously(?),  refer to it as a teenage grand piano.  This particular instrument nearly puts the piano tuner in a swoon every time he has the opportunity to work with it. A house guest, DBR, nearly put me in a swoon when he was doing kettle ball exercises right next to it.

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On top of the piano are several pictures very meaningful to Señora, including this picture taken of us on our wedding day in an August so, so long ago. Obviously, it sent me down memory lane.  What struck me about this picture is how young we look.  And how virginal we seemed, as we were both dressed in white.  Shh… we won’t talk about kids and grandkids. You cannot see my cowboy boots in this picture, but they came in handy later on when I did the traditional glass breaking that takes place towards the end of a Jewish wedding ceremony.

I tried desperately to run off to the court house with Señora and just have a quickie ceremony. She was adamantly not buying my suggestion, probably, at least in part, as she wanted the religious ceremony. She wanted, at a minimum, her kids there.  I agreed to the proposition of the our children being there. Then somehow we added her brother Mike and his wife.  Which lead her to suggesting that we needed at least one of my brothers. With my brother Mike and her being friendly, she suggested him.  Well, you cannot invite just one brother and leave the others out…although I suspect they might have been glad to stay home.  And, of course, if we invited my brothers and their spouses, we needed to invite my mother.  There may have been a few other folks there, but I am not remembering at this point.  My court house quickie had morphed into an at home wedding with a dozen or so souls, a rabbi and a nice dinner at a local Italian restaurant .

If you have nothing better to do, here is a video someone unknowingly took at at the ceremony: Wedding — David and Robin

To steal a line from Jerry Garcia, “What a long strange trip it’s been,” life, relationships, my search for 42…

And so it goes.

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