Vanity Plate for the Day – KTYWMPS

Vanity Plate of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one in the wild that I think worth sharing and there are not too many in sequence.  When I was commuting from my home to downtown St. Louis and back, I was spending anywhere from an hour and half to two hours daily in rush hour traffic. I used the exercise of deciphering vanity plates to help pass the time… plus sometimes they are very clever and worth sharing.


A reference to catawampus which is commonly spelled katywampus.

This was on the back of a  Jeep Rubicon that was so highly detailed I had a hard time imagining it being in a situation to get askew or awry, let alone katywampus.

To see more Vanity Plates of the Day for this link: Vanity Plates of the Day

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