Trailer Trash on Display

Okay, okay…I’m all for freedom of speech.  God knows that I would not want somebody limiting my wonderful ramblings.  At some point, some self censorship should take over.   Occasionally, the question should be asked, “Is this classy?  Is this really how I want to represent myself to the population at large?”

We’ve all seen the urinating boys doing their thing on “FORD” or “CHEVY”.  I saw one the recently that I thought represented the ultimate in poor taste.  It was the aforementioned urinater over the words “ALL Y’ALL”.   It does not take an advance degree in psychology to theorize as to this person’s world view. 

As it turns out it was the penultimate in poor taste involving urinating boys, or at least I hope it was the penultimate.  I was driving through Jackson, Mississippi (I just love spelling out that word) today.  I passed a tricked out red Chevy pickup.  It had tinted windows so that I could not see the driver.  Now picture this in the middle of the back window.  One of those chrome silhouette figures of a very buxomly young lady with long legs in a reclining position.  They are most often seen on the mud flaps of semi-trucks.  Above her was our infamous young lad with his stream descending on our chrome lady.  I cannot even imagine what went through this person’s mind that impelled them to artfully decorate their transportation in such a manner.

In the farthest stretches of generosity perhaps they were making a statement about the misogyny represented by our chrome gal.  Nah, no generosity here, just one sick, tasteless puppy who obviously has too much disposable income.

Nuff said.

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