Think I Like Word Play?

Señora was ever so kind as to gift me a daily calendar of Dad Jokes. As one of my quotidian habits I have been sharing the “humor” with my mishpocha in my native state of Oklahoma…much to their chagrin.

Today’s joke:

Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

Because the “P” is silent.

Of course I had to riff on that:

I can already hear the tsunami of groans coming from Oklahoma… like a wrinkled gnome gnawing and gnashing on a bone, kneeling on one knee in front of the knight and knave, hoping to wrangle or to wriggle or to wrestle his way out of their  wrath. 

“What a psychedelic experience I am having,” said the psychopath to his psychologist.

“Oh don’t get your knickers in a knot, they already have too many wrinkles, ” answered the pshrink.  

Okay the last one was made up, but some folks refer to head shrinkers as p-shrinks.

Like any good comedian (yes, a bit of hubris), I had to insert a callback to a previous joke:

I could go on, if I had more thyme or was less sage. 

And so it sometimes go.

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