The Pandemic Blues

Language alert!

In an email to a friend I made a wisecrack about singing The Pandemic Blues.  He replied he had not heard that one, but someone had sent him a link to the Stay the F*** at Home!  He then asked for a link to the The Pandemic Blues.  I explained that I was being my usually contrarian sort and popping off. That there  was no such song that I knew of, but perhaps we could write one and perform it.  After all anyone can be on YouTube.

He sent me back the following verses and said now it was my  turn.  So I added the part in red.

The Pandemic Blues

The world has caught a virus
I’m to kindly ask
We need your help to cure it
so wear your fuckin’ mask!

I got an awful bad case
of them low down pandemic blues

If you want to visit family
it’s quite a simple task
just try to stay six feet apart
and wear your fuckin’ mask!

Lord, I’d have to get better, before I could die 
Those low down pandemic blues

If you want to lie down on the beach
to be in the sun and bask
it really not a problem
if you just wear your fuckin’ mask!

Lord, they’re killin’ me,
I mean them low down pandemic blues.

I’m going to make my apologies to Hank Williams.  Feel free to add verses in the comments. What is that old saw about too much group sourcing spoils the broth…

Now if we could just get Willie or Bocephus to sing it.


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