The Curmudgeon and His Muse*

My bride, the inestimable Ms. Robin, has from time to time referred to me as writer.  Mostly I just ignore it when she makes these wild statements. At other times I take umbrage, and I debate with her about her commentary on my activities.

To me a writer is someone like our friend Jeanne Felfe.  Jeanne has self-published several novels and has had many short stories accepted for publication.  Jeanne retired from AT&T after nearly a century there, and has made writing her new career.  I’m going to plug our friend a little, to see Jeanne’s books on Amazon click this link: Jeanne Felfe -Author Or you can go to her website Jeanne Felfe – Emotional journeys beyond truth and love

I think of what I do as a compulsion bordering on OCD, discursive diarrhea that I spew into the black hole of cyber-space.

If I could make myself stop I would.

Fortunately for me and the world it is a minor aberration that generally harms no one.  Although querida Robin has had more than one discussion with this unworthy neurotic about a story I wrote.  She is not always happy being the protagonist of my ramblings.  She is also not buying the theory that she should be honored to be my muse. Go figure.

Looks like I am spewing some more!

* The Curmudgeon and His Muse… Now there is a short story begging to be written.

Just a reminder since we are speaking of books and Amazon.  You can help support the Paul H. Carr (my uncle) Memorial Foundation when shopping on Amazon.  To find out how, just follow this link: Help Support The Carr Exhibit with Amazon Smile

3 Replies to “The Curmudgeon and His Muse*”

  1. Aaww, sweet. Thank you for the mention. Yeah, that century with AT&T… ha!

    And btw..with lines like “compulsion bordering on OCD, discursive diarrhea that I spew into the black hole of cyber-space.” you are indeed a writer.

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