That Old Time Gospel Music

I had passed the following around in an email.  In response to a reply I decided to post it on Curmudgeon-Alley and add a little something to it. My Jewish wife was playing Amazing Grace on the piano and was singing along… She just loves the music, but I still find it humorous, her selection  of this song as it is epitomical Christian hymn. Many years in various choirs has also resulted in her singing many  Christmas songs this time of year.  On the other hand (my hand),  I find it ironic that as an agnostic that I like gospel music so much.  It harkens back to my childhood.  My mother’s mother, Mama Carr, seemed to always have had a gospel station tuned in on her big plastic desk top radio.  I have many fond memories of her and her house.

Now just for Jeanne… I know you were looking for Robin’s performance, but you will have to settle for Elvis.


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