Thank you for your service…Maybe

I have an interesting problem that has cropped up in the last 5 or 6 weeks.  I have several caps and shirts with the emblem from the FFG-52, USS Carr on them.  I wear the hats a bunch.  Partly because I like the way they look, but mainly in honor of my Uncle Paul H. Carr.  The ship was named after him for his heroic actions in WWII.

I’ve been doing this for years.  The ship was actually decommissioned a few years ago.  So a rough estimate would be 25 years or more.   Occasionally folks will ask me about the hat.  What has been really cool over the years is how many folks I have run into that have served on the ship.  When they see the hat they frequently come over to talk to me.  I have had some very nice conversations with former crewmen of the USS Carr due to the hat.

The last several weeks for some reason folks have been walking up to me, sticking out their hand and saying, “Thank you for service.”   If they give me half a chance, I tell them I did not serve, but that I wear the hat in honor of my uncle for whom the ship was named.   However, there have been at least two “drive by” handshakes with the “thank you for your service” hastily added.  I reflexively shake their hands, and they are walking off almost as soon as I release it. At least once I reflexively said, “thank you.”  All of which makes me feel fraudulent as I did not serve.  Being a military brat I felt I had done my service.  Plus I came of age right in the middle of the Vietnam war which by 1970 was immensely unpopular.

I’m not quite sure why this has suddenly started after nearly 3 decades of wearing the hats. Me, being me, I have pondered on it a bit.  It might be the current political climate.  The “thank you for service” has become a very popular meme.   I also wonder about my hair and beard. For most of the hat wearing epoch my hair has been long, occasionally bordering on ponytail length.  I got a “wild hair” and had it cut short around Christmas time.  Also I have a beard now.  I used No Shave November as an excuse to skip that part of my morning routine for 30 days.  My wife, for some reason I do not understand, likes my beard.  So I have been keeping it for her with the caveat that she keeps it trimmed neatly for me.  Keeping a beard looking nice is nearly as much work as shaving.  I’m wondering if the short hair and beard makes me look a little more military, perhaps even a little nautical!

All this brings to mind a incident I heard about when I lived in Oklahoma City in the early 80s.  My then wife had a girlfriend who had a boyfriend who had all these elaborate stories about his service in the Army in Vietnam.   Turns out his Vietnam record was his own personal mythology that he used them to excuse some of his less than desirable attributes and behaviors..  He had never even been in the Army.  I do remember my wife’s friend being beyond upset when the truth came out.   I do not remember if it ended the relationship or not.

At any rate, I am thinking about retiring my hats for a bit.  This “thank you for your service” has been a little too much lately.

3 Replies to “Thank you for your service…Maybe”

  1. “Thank you for your service” has become a ubiquitous greeting these days. I get it when I wear my “Vietnam Veteran” cap, and when I ask the cashiers at Home Depot for a veterans discount. Sometimes it comes off as the latest version of “Have a Nice Day.”. It’s not that I’m not grateful for the recognition it’s more that I get the feeling that so many of the greetings come off as rote. I’m glad you wear the cap in honor of your uncle. Keep wearing it. He would be proud.

    On Veterans Day I attended a ceremony at the middle school where my daughter teaches. I spoke to a bright young man about the military, and being a veteran and I suggested the best way to honor Veterans, was to not make so many. He thought about that for a minute, and smiled at me. He understood.

  2. Any chance you have any more of these hats(with the logo)? I served on the Carr from 99 until 03. I have been trying to find a hat like this on Ebay or amazon with no luck. If so please let me know, my email is, thank you so much.

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