I Love You – Part 2…

A while ago I posted an article: I Love You – Part 1…Maybe. What prompted the article was my wife’s use of the three word phrase, I love you.  She says it frequently and to many folks.  For me, it is not something I say so much. In the first article I explored some the reasons why I do not. I also gave my flimsy definition of love:

… to love someone is have a responsibility towards that person. I have a need to live up to my responsibilities, and there is only so much I can take on. 

When I say I love you I can mean many things.  It means I care for you.  It may mean I will take care of you.  It means I will be there for you. It means I will accept your eccentricities. And this is before we get to romantic love.

By the above definition I love The Wee Dog, for what that is worth. One of my readers commented that Continue reading “I Love You – Part 2…”

I Love You – Part 1…Maybe

I’ve been thinking a lot about 3 words of late, “I love you.”

“Why,” you ask.

It is my wife. She says those words all the time, to me, of course, but also to many other people, mostly her women friends.

Let me explain my wife, perhaps something no husband should ever attempt to do. She has a certain charisma that is not lost on me, even after many years together.  She attracts people, and probably more importantly, she really likes people.  She has lived in the St. Louis area all of her life.  She has friends dating back to her nursery school days.  I’ve never sat down and analyzed it, but she has 3 or 4 or 5 different circles of friends.  A couple of the circles overlap Continue reading “I Love You – Part 1…Maybe”