Here’s your sign

I went golfing today and drove my MX-5.  I arrived at the course and had my golf shoes on, and my bag out the trunk.  The trunk was still open as I was ascertaining the status the golf ball supply on board my bag.

An elderly gentleman (he was older than me so he had to be elderly) walked up to me and said while pointing to my trunk, “You get them clubs out there?”

First thing that I thought of was Bill Engvall of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, and his catch phrase of “Here’s your sign.”  I was so tempted to say, “No, I always come to the golf course hoping to find a stray set of golf clubs; here they are and here’s your sign.”  But I restrained myself.

Of course, the question he meant to ask was, “How do you get those clubs in that little bitty car?”  Since my mama raised me to be polite, I said, “Those Japanese engineers are just geniuses.”  I then proceeded to explain to him the trick of getting the clubs in and out of the trunk

I can die a happy man

I birdied 18 at Normandie Golf Course in St. Louis.  It is a 243 yard par 3 from the blues.  The hard part for me is that it is next to a busy street on the the left.  That street is not protected from the golf course, and I so want to hit snap hooks on that hole for some strange reason.

Today the blues tees were back a bit, making it around 250 yards. I put a driver to within 7 or 8 feet and made the putt.  Rest of the round sucked, but that made up for it.