Señor KFC

A few days ago I posted a blog article entitled: Gone to the dogs… The point of the article was that I was sitting in my recliner and had become covered up by canines as I was trying to read. I gave into the situation and closed my eyes for a bit. Señora took a picture of me and the dogs which you can see in the above referenced article.

One of the interesting facets of being older is that when I Iook in the mirror – which I try to avoid as much as possible these days – I see a man with blonde hair and a white moustache.  However, when I see a picture of myself it all looks very white.

I shared the picture in the article with a couple of my Spanish tutors.  One of whom responded with:

que bonita foto
con tus perrhijos
en esa foto te pareces un poco al señor KFC

Of course, señor KFC would be none others than Colonel Sanders.  I was showing and translating the Skype message to Señora.  She thought the reference to señor KFC vaguely insulting.  I told her not really.  If you knew this young lady, she was just trying to be funny.  But on the other hand, probably any older, male Gringo with white hair and especially white facial hair might have put her in mind of señor KFC.

I remember seeing a KFC when we were in San Jose, Costa Rica.  It seems to me I have seen a KFC sign in Mexico.  Several of my iTalki teachers have talked about KFCs in their countries. All which got me to wondering how popular KFC was in Latin America.  Popular would be the word.  According to Wikipedia there are 30,000+ KFC locations world wide with China having 10,000! There are almost 400 KFCs in Mexico.  And outside of Mexico in the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean there are almost 1000 outlets.  Wow.

List of countries with KFC franchises

Now if I just had señor KFC‘s money.

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