Senator Josh Hawley, Unacceptable…

For reasons unfathomable to me, the citizens of Missouri turned out a very capable and very moderate Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill in favor of the Republican candidate, wanna-be Proud Boy Josh Hawley.  He spent the first part of tenure fairly quietly in Washington.  With the presidential election he came completely out of the closet.  When he decided to be one of the Senators that would oppose the electors for Biden I wrote him the following letter via his website.

Subject: Your challenge of Biden Electors

Your challenge of Biden Electors is among the worst things I have ever seen a Senator do. You apparently have no appreciation of democracy, no sense of what it truly means to be citizen of this country.

I am absolutely embarrassed to say that I live in Missouri with Senators such as you.

May God have mercy on your whatever it is that passes for a soul within you.

Obvious I was angry. What I really wanted to say was not fit a fine family blog such as mine.  Then he compounds all this by giving a fascist salute to the seditious mob in front of the Capitol Building.  He recently replied to my email.  If you boil it down he is putting the blame for his actions on the citizens of Missouri as he was only doing their will.  I am including a copy of that letter below.

Just as note, knowing that I would get an automated response based on the fields they required me to fill out, I listed my first name as Comrade.  So this correspondence and all future he will be addressing me as Dear Comrade.  That at least makes me smile.

Click on letter to see it larger.

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