Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,126

yeah I know you did not ask!

I have a whole suitcase full of reasons to be angry at Ronald Reagan.  IMHO, he started this long, horrendous downward spiral towards Trump and all the other Republican crazies who want to lead us into Fascism.

But my anger du jour is about tools.  Yes, you heard me right, tools.

President Carter, a man infinitely too good and too moral, in the opinion of many voters,  to be President of the United States, put us on the metric system.  One of the first things that Ronald Raygun did was take us backwards and off the metric system.  If Bonzo’s second fiddle had left well enough alone, we would be past the pain of changing to a new system, a system incalculably easier and more logical than the imperial system we inherited from the British.  We would be in step with the rest of the world, not behind it in this regard.

As it stands now, I have to have two sets of wrenches, Allen wrenches, sockets, etc.  Half the time when I eyeball a fastener for a size, or try to reason out what it might be from where it was made, I grab the wrong tool.  If I think it is metric, it turns out to be imperial. Or vice versa.  I then curse the pompadoured refugee from the talkies for a full half second… which is more of my time than he deserves.

In my next life I want to come back into a species that is logical.

Live long and prosper.

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