Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,913

yeah I know you did not ask!

I personally am not feeling safe with the party of science deniers managing a medical/health crisis.

I feel like I am watching a train wreck about to happen in slow motion. The train engineer is stepping on the gas after denying there was another train coming his way on the same track.

I feel like the real national emergency is the Gospodin Trump administration’s ignorance, incompetence  and greed.

We absolutely must vote these bozos out of office.

3 Replies to “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,913”

  1. But, how do you really feel? You are parsing your words and your thoughts and downplaying your real feelings? (Insert ubiquitous Happy Face here.)

  2. It’s not just the Orange Moron, the entire Republican Party needs to go. Their greed is destroying the planet. They are out of control.

    “All movements go to far.” Bertrand Russell

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