Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,761

yeah I know you did not ask!

I don’t know whether to admire women for their forbearance, feel sorry that this is the female burden in life or go WTF… why do they put up with it.

I met 3 friends this weekend south of Memphis for a couple days of golf.  One fellow has an RV and he drove it to the campground at Sardis, MS.  That is where we stayed for two nights.

Now just to give you some perspective I was the youngest at 68.  So picture 4 grumpy old men chilling and sleeping in a fairly tight RV.  Now we are only grumpy by spells, but  sometimes the adjective used  probably needs to be whatever the next level past grumpiness is.  I let you decide what that is.

Add to that 4 OLD men marching to the RV bathroom frequently during the night.

Add to  that morning sounds that old men make.  I am sure any seasoned wife could  go on in great detail about those rude noises.

I’ve decided women are either saints or  crazy for putting up with us.

The bespectacled Señora Weinhaus just told me that most women know they are marrying men… and jump off that cliff anyway.


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