Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,275

yeah I know you did not ask!

The Wee Dog has a tendency to sleep on the foot of our bed, usually very close to my feet. Occasionally she will pop herself between the snoozing Señora Weinhaus and myself.  In the winter time it is not uncommon for her to weasel her way under the covers to the foot of the bed.  It is a mystery to me as why, in 7 years, she has not been kicked or turned into a pancake.

Last night she was at the foot of the bed on top of the covers.  I must have kicked the covers off my feet as I was awakened around 3 in the morning by the Wee Dog licking my ankles. At first I thought Senora had developed a foot fetish, then I realized it was Lily.  She must have become disoriented in the night and could not find her derriere and my ankles seemed the next best thing.

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