Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,041

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was messing around on a website and the website wanted me to elected a personal pronoun to continue.

Apparently, “No f**** way!”, is not an acceptable response.

I see myself as more than a little liberal. There is no need to be jamming folks up in boxes of acceptability. If it makes you happy, be happy.  I might not want to hang with you, but hey you might not want to hang with me.  We’ll just move on and do our own thing. Life and the two of us will be just fine.

However, this whole woke culture, this whole overly political correct police, is about to turn me into a fanatical reactionary, the bunch of namby pambies.

One Reply to “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,041”

  1. So, you are upset for being asked how you prefer to be addressed? This is fairly nonsensical. If someone began to address you as ma’am or she presumably you would correct them. Probably you would be offended or upset because you identify as sir or he. Leaving aside the fact that these jumbles of sound/marking signify absolutely nothing about you in actuality and are entirely arbitrarily selected and have no impact on your being, you value them anyway. So if you value them and desire to be addressed by a specific set why would you be upset by someone requesting to be informed of which specific set you desire to use?

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