Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,245

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Various folks over the years have talked about how the fashion industry, Hollywood, etc have created an epidemic of body dysmorphia among young women and likely young men too.  If nothing else, it causes unachievable expectations in young men about what young women should look like.  They take beautiful young people, photograph them in glamorous  situations, using the most flattering of lights, then doctor the photos afterwards to eliminate any blemishes.  Have you ever seen a pimple on a picture of a super model?

I have been thinking about this of late as AI generated images on the web are becoming more and more common. The women depicted are unbelievable beautiful and without a flaw, like nothing I have ever seen in real life.  Even the men in their 60s and beyond have washboard stomachs.

If there is truly a prevalent problem with body dysmorphia in our society, AI is not helping.

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One Reply to “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,245”

  1. Absolutely. Women have always been airbrushed. If you see a picture of a celeb without make-up and with, they often don’t even look like the same person.

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