Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,524

yeah I know you did not ask!

It is very windy today in this suburb of St. Louis.  And it is November.  Most of the trees have lost their leaves, but the passive aggressive pendejos on the sweet gum tree in our yard are persistently hanging on. Sweet gums generally  drop their leaves 3 or 4 weeks after all their neighbors, prompting a new round of leaf raking with this curmudgeon mumbling something about pinche cabrón of a tree and inconsiderate timing.

I was pulling out of our driveway on this windy, fall day when a sweet gum leaf plastered itself on the driver’s door window.  For a brief second or two or a dramatic 3 or 4, I felt like I was in a B-rated sci-fi movie and alien face suckers were coming to get me.

Yeah… I know.

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