Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,547

yeah I know you did not ask!

File this under logical consequences.

The current political, social and economic situation is this country is complicated, said the  king of understatement.  However, a prominent cause is that the complexion of the nation is changing.  We are going from a majority white country to one of many colors, mostly likely with none of the groups a majority for while.   This has more than a few whites, especially men, upset.

Thinking about this I am reminded of the centuries we captured and put into slavery various peoples of African, mainly to work on the plantations of the South.  However, slaves were throughout the 17th and 18th century America.

When slavery “went out of fashion” we started using people of color to do those jobs that Americans did not want or would not do for the wages offered.  These folks came from Latin America mostly, but in reality from around the globe.  They came legally and many illegally.  For years the illegality was not an issue as long as they kept their mouths shut, and worked for peanuts.

Now that the color of the American melting pot is changing many of whites are upset.  What did they expect to happen if they kept adding dye to the stew pot?  Logical consequences.

The smart thing to do would be to embrace the change and go with the flow.  One thing I love about living in a metropolitan area is the diversity.  It adds layers of complexity and delight, like a well seasoned stew, that you just do not find in outside metropolitan areas.  Of course, the kicker is that we need to respect each other.  Which is not what we are doing right now.

3 Replies to “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,547”

  1. Well-said. And it’s interesting that all those upset “whites” are probably anything but all one particular race. Most do not originate from homogenous countries.

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