Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,022

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Here is a thought experiment for you:  I wonder how different the world would be if the original European explorers had carried back to Europe cannabis from Asia instead of tobacco from the New World. Or if both, an early Bob Marley would have invented blunts and spiffs.

I’m thinking the world would be a much more mellow place.

Professor Peabody to your Wayback Machine…

Don’t get too wrapped in the ifs, ands, and buts, it is just a thought experiment. I know there always has been and always will be one group of people willing to take advantage of another group of folks.

But a world grooving to Reggae music is a cool thought.

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