Priest for Dinner

Our friends, Harry and Susie, were in town for some fun with Susie’s family that lives here, her sister who came in from West Virginia, Susie’s niece’s family, and one of Harry and Susie’s daughter and her family who also came down from Chicago.  Susie and Harry spent Sunday night with us.

We are sitting on the patio Monday morning, drinking coffee, listening to the birds, watching the chipmunks and squirrels,  enjoying the cool, breezy morning, and chatting.  Harry was relating how his father had been very active in the church and the Catholic parish where they lived in Chicago. Susie added that Harry’s family frequently had priests for dinner.

So I asked, “Are they better rare or well done?” I suppose I could have asked, “grilled, blackened or fried?”

Sometimes I just crack myself up, nobody else, but I find me to be very entertaining at times.

And so it goes.

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