This documentary, Praying For Armageddon, is from the BBC and is about American Evangelicals and their support of Israel. Even though I knew most of what was presented in this documentary, I found it absolutely chilling, as well as very depressing. This video describes how American Evangelicals are willing and hopeful of fomenting discord to the point of global war to bring about their long awaited Armageddon. It is an extremely scary world view.
(My origin link to a single video of the complete documentary had a forced take down due to copyright issues… maybe these will stay up)
The milieu that I grew up in was Southern Baptist, although with us moving around so much, it was an on again, off again, immersion. My favorite uncle, whom I loved very much, was a Southern Baptist minister. I passed two summers in his household as teenager as I was having so many problems at home. I think the hope was that it might reattach my shaky rudder, which it did to some extent.
While my uncle was gracious about it, I just could not come around to his religious beliefs. As I have expressed elsewhere, I spent a big portion of my life feeling like there was something wrong with me due my lack of “faith”. I finally came to realize that there were good reasons for my doubts.
Normally, I attempt to take a live and let live attitude to other people’s beliefs and opinions. It strikes me that evangelical / fundamentalist religions of whatever stripe, Christian, Muslim, name any, take the complete opposite attitude. They are bound and determined to spread the “Word” and push their morality onto the rest of us. I will confess with the Evangelicals embrace of tRump, my feelings about religion has turned into abhorrence.
One of my favorite quotes on faith, and by extension religion, comes from one of my favorite authors, Kurt Vonnegut:
“Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile.”
IMHO, I believe that any religious organization that engages in political action should lose their tax exempt status. I say that, knowing that PACs (political action committees) are generally tax exempt. Given the flood of money into these organizations, maybe they should not be also.
BBC seems to be trying to keep this documentary on their site, so if the video has gone away, as of right now, it can also be found from Al Jazeera, in two parts. Yes, that Al Jazeera. I sometimes go to their site, and more frequently, to the BBC site as so many US based news sites seem to have a bias of either left or right. As Joe Friday used to say, “Just the facts, ma’am.”
Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP1 | Witness Documentary
Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP2 | Witness Documentary
“Man is the only animal that has the true religion…several of them.
Mark Twain