Quote for the Day – Timothy Eagan, New York Times Editorialist

Tim Eagan‘What’s more, this latest Republican-led assault on the intelligence of young people is anti-American. If you believe in American exceptionalism, then empower students with critical thinking skills so they can defend it. Don’t give them a Bible lesson. That’s for church. Take it from James LeGrand, Oklahoma’s History Teacher of the Year in 2014.

“We teach students to think for themselves using primary sources,” he wrote in a blog post. “I’m not going to sugarcoat slavery or whitewash the treatment of Native Americans or ignore Japanese internment.”’  ~~ Timothy Eagan, New York Times Editorialist

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

Word of the Day – Hackneyed

  • Adjective:  hackneyedhackneyed
    1. not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often : not fresh or original
  •  Synonyms:
    1. Overused
    2. Overdone
    3. O0verworked
    4. worn out
    5. timeworn
    6. platitudinous
    7. vapid
    8. stale
    9. tired
    10. threadbare
  • Usage:
    • “Besides being offensive and hackneyed, the joke didn’t even have any relationship to reality.”
  • Encountered:
    • Alternet.org story: 6 Conservatives Who Desperately Need a High-School Sex Ed Class

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day

Quote for the Day – Thomas Merton

200px-TMertonStudy“If you write for God you will reach many men and bring them joy. If you write for men–you may make some money and you may give someone a little joy and you may make a noise in the world, for a little while. If you write for yourself, you can read what you yourself have written and after ten minutes you will be so disgusted that you will wish that you were dead.”~ Thomas Merton, Seeds of Contemplation

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

Word of the Day – Cisgender


  • Noun:  Cisgender
    1. a word that applies to the vast majority of people, describing a person who is not transgender. If a doctor announces, “It’s a girl!” in the delivery room based on the child’s body and that baby grows up to identify as a woman, that person is cisgender.
    2.  actual gender
    3. The rejection of the belief that your gender can change by merely *thinking* that you’re a different gender.
  •  Synonyms:
    1. nontransgender
  • Usage:

 “Someone who most likely had never heard the word “cisgender” until he or she read this.” ~~  One of the answers in the quiz linked below

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day