Word of the Day – Agitprop

  • Noun: Agitprop
    1. political (originally communist) propaganda, especially in art or literature.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Hype
    2. Hogwash
    3. Disinformation
  • Usage:

“So is Mrs. Fiorina so deep inside the bubble that she can’t tell the difference between facts and agitprop? Or is she deliberately spreading a lie? And most important, does it matter?”

  • Encountered:

While reading Paul Krugman editorial in the New York Times Fantasies and Fictions at G.O.P. Debate

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Word of the Day – Halberd


  • Noun: Halberd
    1. a weapon especially of the 15th and 16th centuries consisting typically of a battle-ax and pike mounted on a handle about six feet long
  • Synonyms:
    1. battleax
  • Usage:

‘”Aha!” continued D’Artagnan, “it is clear that they are afraid of something or other; for look, the sentinels are being reinforced. They had only halberds before, now they have muskets. The halberds were for the audience in the rear; the muskets are for us.”’

  • Encountered:

While reading Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas

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