Word of the Day – Prig

  • Noun: Prig
  • Adjective: Priggish
    1. one who offends or irritates by observance of proprieties (as of speech or manners) in a pointed manner or to an obnoxious degree
    2. a self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others.
  • Synonyms:
    1. prude
    2. puritan
    3. killjoy
    4. goody-goody
  • Usage:

“There was his wonderful, desirable life-rapidity, the rare quality of an utterly desirable man: and there was at the same time this ridiculous, mean effacement into a Salvator Mundi and a Sunday-school teacher, a prig of the stiffest type.”

  • Encountered:

While reading Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence

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Word of the Day – Feckless

  • Adjective: Feckless
  1. Having or resulting from a week character or nature
  2. irresponsible


  • Synonyms:
  1. Useless
  2. Worthless
  3. Incompetent
  4. Inept
  5. Good-for-nothing
  • Usage:

‘On Saturday, former Arkansas governor Mr. Huckabee described Mr. Obama’s foreign policy as “the most feckless in American history” and said the deal with Iran was “idiotic”.’

  • Encountered:feckless

BBC news article: Obama attacks Mike Huckabee over Israel ‘oven’ remarks

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day

Word of the Day – Churlish

  • Adjective: Churlish
    1. of, resembling, or characteristic of a churl
    2. marked by a lack of civility or graciousness
    3. difficult to work with or deal with
  • Synonyms:
    1. vulgar
    2. surly
    3. intractable
    4. rude
    5. ill-mannered
    6. ill-bred
    7. uncivil
  • Usage:

“’Perhaps,’ he said. ‘I don’t WANT her to furnish the rooms here—and I don’t keep her hanging on. Only, I needn’t be churlish to her, need I? At any rate, I shall have to go down and see them now. You’ll come, won’t you?’”

  • Encountered:

While reading Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day