Word of the Day – Collier

  • Noun:  Collier
    • A coal miner
    • A ship carrying coal
  • Synonyms:collier
    • Miner
    • Pitman
    • Coaler
    • Digger
  • Usage:
    • “”You don’t want to marry a collier, you little fool,” cried Mrs Lindley harshly. She lay obese and helpless upon the couch, swathed in a loose, dove-grey gown.”
  • Encountered:
    • The short story Daughters of the Vicar by D. H. Lawrence

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Word of the Day – Ignoramus

  •  Noun:  Ignoramus
    1. An ignorant or stupid person
    2. a person who does not know muchben carson
  • Synonyms:
    1. Blockhead
    2. Dimwit
    3. Dunce
    4. Fool
    5. Idiot
    6. Imbecile
    7. Numbskull
  • Usage: 
    • “They argue that they’ll get things done, Trump through the force of his will, and Carson because he is untainted by politics. Ask either one of them about a specific policy issue, and it quickly becomes clear that when it comes to the issues a president deals with, they’re utter ignoramuses, which is perhaps understandable, if less than reassuring. […]”
  • Encountered:

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