Sage of North Barrington

Señora and I, the last few years, around her birthday, have made an overnight trip to Pere Marquette Lodge just across the mighty Mississippi River in Grafton, IL.  The lodge is in a heavily wooded state park and very much away from all big city distractions.   We find it a nice retreat for some couple one-on-one.

We generally go  during the week when we can take advantage of their Eagle Package: the room, dinner, breakfast and two drinks for a very reasonable price.  Of course, since Señora’s birthday is in February, a slower month at the lodge,  since the packages are from Sunday through Thursday when most folks are working, and since it is a bargain, Señora and I frequently feel like the youngest guests there. I suppose senior friendly is the term I am choking on.

After dropping off Princess Lily at her second home, we were making our way out of town on I-70.  This particular interstate is one of my least favorite roads. It is a major trucking route and always full of semis.  It goes past Lambert International Airport and is almost always overly trafficked.  It also goes through some of the least scenic parts of the St. Louis metropolitan area.

As we were driving on this road, along came a car traveling much too fast, even if the highway had been basically empty instead of its usual crowded state.  Naturally, this want-to-be Richard Petty was weaving in and out of traffic, channeling their inner NASCAR.

Señora made a comment about this car which I do not remember, but it was not a compliment of their safe driving skills.

I advised her to remember what the Sage of North Barrington is prone to say about these type of individuals.

She looked at me with a quizzical expression on her pretty face.

“You can’t fix stupid,” I answered her charming, expressive countenance.

“Oh, the sage you are talking about is Harry,” she remarked.

“Clearly,” I said, “what other White Sox wise man would you find sitting on a warm rock upon a lofty Barringtonian peak, enjoying the sun, surrounded by books, contemplating the wondrous navel of the Windy City, proclaiming his own unique version of the Serenity Prayer?”

And so it goes on the race tracks that are St. Louis’s Interstates.

Another Voice

Channeling his inner Kant, the Norman Ascetic frequently expresses his version of the Serenity Prayer by declaring, “it is outside my locus of control…an illusionary concept in any case.”

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

~~Attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr, Lutheran theologian (1892–1971)

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #8,264

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

All my experience with Jewish temple services are in Reformed synagogues as that is the branch of Judaism that Señora follows.

In the temple, on the back of each pew are copies of the prayer book and of the Torah.  Many folks at these services speak or have a passing knowledge of Hebrew, but many do not.  For that reason, these books are in Hebrew and English. Typically the Hebrew is in the right column and the English is in the left.  Or the English translation is written just below the Hebrew.

As the principle language is Hebrew, a language read from right to left, as opposed to English which is read from left to right, they start at what English speakers would think of as the back of the book.  Thus the page numbers increase in an order opposite of what we are used to.

We were at a Bat Mitzvah today, and as I followed along in the prayer book I thought, “they should number books in English like this.  That way you would know how many pages you had left to read in the book.”

Or not.

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Oklahoma Senator Calls LGBTQ+ ‘filth’

Oklahoma State Senator Tom Woods was at a forum with other law makers when a woman asked:

“Why does the Legislature have such an obsession with the LGBTQ citizens of Oklahoma and what people do in their personal lives and how they raise their children?”

She then went on to bring up the Nex Benedict case.  This was a non-binary student who died after receiving a beat down from three girls in the school bathroom.  Although, the police are currently stating that Benedict did not die from trauma.

Senator Tom Woods responded by saying:

“We are a Republican state – supermajority – in the House and Senate. I represent a constituency that doesn’t want that filth in Oklahoma… We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state – we are a moral state.”

I have no idea what morality he is practicing, but in my universe his ersatz morality is resolutely immoral. I would apply my immorally moral to this man. If nothing else using such a pejorative as filth to denigrate a whole class of people is immoral. Within the bounds of the Golden Rule, people being who they are, and loving who they love are not immoral acts ~~ Book of David 1:1

Christianity, at its best, is a loving, accepting religion, providing a sense of community to many, ministering to the the poor and needy, giving a sense of purpose in a chaotic and unfathomable universe that is exceedingly arbitrary in its treatment of living things.

By and large, though, that is not what is practiced in this country, especially in the Bible Belt.  To me, it appears that more than a few ostensible Christians in these here Uniteds are having fantasies about renewing the Spanish Inquisition, or at least of setting up a theocracy. Talk about your Sharai law, it would be that, just a different flavor.

One of the few prayers I still say: God save us from the religious.

A couple links about the story:

Report: Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ ‘filth’ when asked about Nex Benedict, gender legislation

Video Shows Nonbinary Teen Nex Benedict Reflecting on Fight Before Their Death

We need to do better.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,928

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

While there is a whole boatload of differences between single man and married men, one  coalesced into verbiage for me today.

Single men, if Aphrodite is smiling on them, help a woman to get undressed.

Married men, by the Decree of Hera, help a woman to get dressed.

Would you zip up this dress for me dear?

Could you fasten my necklace for me?

Just saying.

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Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

I truly have never been more discouraged about this country than I have been in the last few years… this Supreme Court definitely plays into that discouragement.

I would hate to see John Oliver give this awful Supreme Court Justice $1,000,000 a year for life, but he certainly does not need to be on the Supreme Court bench.  Of course Clarence Thomas is 75 years old, statistically he will likely be out of here within 8 or 10 years.  However, at the end of the day, John Oliver has made a bet with himself that Clarence Thomas will not accept his offer.

We should have listened to Anita Hill.

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Cold, Dead Corpse…And You Did Not Call Me On It

I was expecting at least one or two people – JMR aka Dictionary Dude – to call me on a turn of phrase in a recent blog posting: Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5784.045

In this posting I used the following words: “…only to find a cold, dead corpse headed toward rigor mortis laying next to you the next morning.”

A corpse by definition is dead, therefore part of the phrase is redundant, if not repetitious.  But on the other hand, if you do a Google search on the word string “cold dead corpse”, it is everywhere you do not want to be. Essentially it is a very common way of expressing this situation. Ahh… language.

Next thing you know, I will be sharing dad jokes.

Just saying.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,935

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

I was just trying to figure out who is more bipolar.  Religious persons bouncing between seeing the hand of God or the work of the Devil everywhere, or investors in the stock market reading the tea leaves of earning reports.

I tend to ignore the first, but the readers of tea leaves are giving me whiplash.  Their ups and downs make Blanche DuBois look tame.

All together now… STELLA!

Just saying.

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Quote of the Day – Epictetus

Quote of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one I think worth sharing and there are not too many in sequence.  I like quotes as they frequently distill a piece of wisdom into a brief passage, or make other points very succinctly – such as the witticisms of Oscar Wilde.

“Consider at what price you sell your integrity; but please, for God’s sake, don’t sell it cheap.”~~ Epictetus

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

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Word of the Day – Putative

Word of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one I think worth sharing and there are not too many on my landing page.  Words have always fascinated me, and I am a fan of all types of word play, especially puns.  I have a hard time not looking up a word that I am unfamiliar with or not sure of the definition. I like those authors that stretch me by throwing in unexpected terms.   

  • Adjective: Putative
    1. commonly regarded as such
    2. assumed to exist or to have existed.
  • Synonyms:
    1.  presumed
    2. presumptive
    3. reputed
    4. supposed
    5. accepted
    6. alleged
    7. assumed
    8. hypothetical
    9. imputed
    10. reported
  • Usage:
    1. “When a former Navy SEAL with ties to a raft of Trumpworld figures landed in Haiti nearly a decade ago, his putative mission was to lead raid and rescue operations that would recover a missing American child.”
  • Encountered:
    1.  While reading an article on my Google news feed from The Daily Beast: How Ex-SEAL on Child Rescue Mission Became Island Kingpin The article caught my attention as I was imagining a modern day Lord Jim, not an article on corruption in Haiti, that is pretty much a given.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,022

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Here is a thought experiment for you:  I wonder how different the world would be if the original European explorers had carried back to Europe cannabis from Asia instead of tobacco from the New World. Or if both, an early Bob Marley would have invented blunts and spiffs.

I’m thinking the world would be a much more mellow place.

Professor Peabody to your Wayback Machine…

Don’t get too wrapped in the ifs, ands, and buts, it is just a thought experiment. I know there always has been and always will be one group of people willing to take advantage of another group of folks.

But a world grooving to Reggae music is a cool thought.

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