Oklahoma Senator Calls LGBTQ+ ‘filth’

Oklahoma State Senator Tom Woods was at a forum with other law makers when a woman asked:

“Why does the Legislature have such an obsession with the LGBTQ citizens of Oklahoma and what people do in their personal lives and how they raise their children?”

She then went on to bring up the Nex Benedict case.  This was a non-binary student who died after receiving a beat down from three girls in the school bathroom.  Although, the police are currently stating that Benedict did not die from trauma.

Senator Tom Woods responded by saying:

“We are a Republican state – supermajority – in the House and Senate. I represent a constituency that doesn’t want that filth in Oklahoma… We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state – we are a moral state.”

I have no idea what morality he is practicing, but in my universe his ersatz morality is resolutely immoral. I would apply my immorally moral to this man. If nothing else using such a pejorative as filth to denigrate a whole class of people is immoral. Within the bounds of the Golden Rule, people being who they are, and loving who they love are not immoral acts ~~ Book of David 1:1

Christianity, at its best, is a loving, accepting religion, providing a sense of community to many, ministering to the the poor and needy, giving a sense of purpose in a chaotic and unfathomable universe that is exceedingly arbitrary in its treatment of living things.

By and large, though, that is not what is practiced in this country, especially in the Bible Belt.  To me, it appears that more than a few ostensible Christians in these here Uniteds are having fantasies about renewing the Spanish Inquisition, or at least of setting up a theocracy. Talk about your Sharai law, it would be that, just a different flavor.

One of the few prayers I still say: God save us from the religious.

A couple links about the story:

Report: Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ ‘filth’ when asked about Nex Benedict, gender legislation

Video Shows Nonbinary Teen Nex Benedict Reflecting on Fight Before Their Death

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2 Replies to “Oklahoma Senator Calls LGBTQ+ ‘filth’”

  1. I simply don’t understand this type of Christian. What gives them the right to be judge and jury when, supposedly, that right belongs to the god they profess to follow. It reminds me of a scene in Outlander where two women are being “tried” as witches. The crowd chants “burn them” even though there is no proof whatsoever. Superstition appears to be another word for the Christianity these types follow.

  2. Having been raised a Catholic, reading the Bible, and serving mass for five years then walking away from it as I awakened , I feel safe in saying the christians of today bear no resemblance to Christs teachings in any way, shape, or form. They are an authoritarian political party.

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