New Balance, The New “IN” Sneaker

Several months ago a group of us old fogeys went to a local comedy club here in St. Louis.  The reason we went was that the niece of one of the gentlemen in the group was the opening act. She was reasonably funny with many of her comedic stories stemming from the 13 years she spent teaching on the South Side of Chicago.

The headliner was a black man (for the sake of me I cannot remember his name) married to a red headed white woman. They have a couple of biracial children. I mention that as a good part of his act was edgy racial humor centered on his personal life situation. At some point, not sure how he segued to the subject, he got onto old white folks and New Balance shoes.  He did not seem to be a fan of either. He spent a good five minutes ranting on New Balances. I so wanted to hide my feet under the table, or throw one of  my 990s at him… but they are a little pricey to be tossing away. I did not find him funny, but I do not believe we were his normal target audience.  Apparently he was not into reading the crowd.

Undoubtedly, I had you ROFL with my blog article, Size 12, Myself. It recounted my latest expedition to purchase a new pair of  New Balance shoes. As I was checking out, after completing my survey of the customers currently in the store, remembering the last time I was in this store 12 or 18 months ago,  I asked Mr. Size 12, “Do you ever get any young folks in here?”

“Oh yes,” he brightly responded, “quite a few.  Thanks to an influencer on Tik Tok, New Balances are very IN right now.”


Fast forward a bit.  I am at a rinky-dink little golf course I go to sometimes when my golf addiction overwhelms me and I cannot get on one of my preferred courses. It definitely fits the description of cow pasture golf, or since it is in Illinois, cornfield golf.  They generally have three classes of customers:  really old farts…like me; lots of youngsters, some who do not look old enough to drive; and your stereotypical Hoosier/Redneck who look like they could do a Bud Light commercial on automatic. It is slightly more entertaining than the driving range.

I had completed my round of golf and was walking into the club house to purchase my ceremonial post round Budweiser.  Yeah I know, all they sell are Budweiser products, so that was my best choice. As I crossed the parking lot I encountered a young man of maybe fifteen tender years wearing a brand new pair of New Balance 990s (look up the price).

Not being able to help myself I said to him, “You do know that New Balances are old folks’ shoes, don’t you?”

“Oh no sir, they are very in,” he responded.

We met again at the counter of the club house and I just had to add, “I reckon I’ve been IN for a long time then, I have five pair in my closet!”  Remember I am “Mr. Maximize Utility” so a couple pair are old enough to vote.

I wonder what else I have in my closet that is IN right now.

And so it goes

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