Need some golf balls?

These are mostly brands that  I do not play… lots of Top Flite, Pinnacle, Maxfli,  etc.  I’m trying to get rid of them for 4 for a $1 on Next Door.  I might try Craigslist next, but a listing there always seems to bring out the crazies. Between my golf balls and the ceramic flowers that Robin continually makes, the basement is getting, shall we say, crowded.  We are selling flowers, too!

I have literally not bought golf balls this century. I have about as many of the premium brands I like to play, Titleist, Callaway, Nike, the better Bridgestones, etc. The premium brands go for $48 a dozen new.  Even cheap Top Flites are around $1 a piece brand new.

The forbearing Señora Weinhaus thinks I am out of control. She may be right. But there are 4 or 5 places (outside of the lakes) where people lose golf balls regularly on the 2 courses I play most. If the course is not busy, I spend a few minutes looking.  It is not uncommon for me to come home with between 50 and 100 golf balls.  Given the price of new balls it is like finding Skittles at the end of the rainbow.

When my back was better I walked all the time.  I did not even look for balls much then and I almost always doubled or tripled the number of balls in my bag during a round. I usually start with 10 or 12 balls.

Of course when I come home I I dump the balls in the utility sink to soak before cleaning them.  Even that might not be too bad, but I tend to forget them for 3 or 4 days.  It is at that point that Señora starts to get just a little bit upset with me. I just do not understand her attitude!!!

I do have two hobbies where it is easy to toss money away.  Anyone who has ever golfed knows how easy (and on a bad day, how often) it is to lose golf balls.  Then there is fishing… have you priced lures lately?  If there were contests for the ability to snag lures, I would have a case full of trophies.

Just as an FYI, I know there are 300 balls in the green bucket as I counted them for grins and giggles.

Keep well.

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One Reply to “Need some golf balls?”

  1. Wow! By my quick eyeball guesstimate that means there’s probably 1000+ balls there representing somewhere between 1 and 4 grand new and surely worth at least a couple hundred bucks used!?

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