My Most Popular Posts

Below is a list of the most popular posts on Curmudgeon Alley.  For most of them I have some sense of why they receive more action.  Sex and humor are always popular.  My book reviews get a fair number of hits.  The one I do not understand is Take George Washington Off the One Dollar Bill. I really wrote this with a very sharp point on my satirical pen, but it must not have been sharp enough.  People seem to take the article seriously.

Obviously there is a reason why, when my article on Ann Wagner was picked up by Huff Post, one critical referred to me as a little known blogger.  I’ve embraced that and made “Home of the Little  Known Blogger” my tag line.

But hey, the bottom line is that I am enjoying myself doing this, and it is reasonably harmless.   I could be stalking Gospodin Trump on Twitter.

Home page / Archives 7,690
Damn it, you’re welcome 3,985
About 2,985
Take George Washington Off the One Dollar Bill 2,749
Wealth Distribution in USA 2,273
Bad Jokes 1,993
Donald Trump – Russian Bride of the Year 1,806
Southern friendly vs. Midwestern friendly 1,402
Is Rosie the Riveter gay or straight? 1,380
BR-549 1,125
Robin’s Snoopy Dance 1,025
The American Flag – Hijacked by Conservatives? 885
The 3 Abrahamic religions explained 677
Glory Road by Robert A. Heinlein 583
Disney Orgy 536
Word of the Day – Gamin 520
Word of the Day – Ennui 501
Quotes 434
Word of the Day – Mazophilia 275
Public Service Announcement – Hand Washing from CDC 269
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas 227
Shrek the Musical 223

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