May be one of the best pieces of music I have ever heard

Hallelujah – May be one of the best pieces of music I have ever heard.

While I have attended the occasional opera over my 5 decades, it is generally not my preferred entertainment.   I do love classical music though.  On one station I stream they played the Hallelujah track from this CD.  I had not heard of Renée Fleming (yes I know shameful) before, but I was an instant fan.  I ordered the CD within minutes.

As a programmer I spend a lot time in front of a computer.  During coding sessions I generally have headphones on listening to music.  The last two days it has been this CD over and over.  I am not tired of it yet.  In fact it seems the more I listen the more I appreciate this marvelous talent and this music.

There is not a bad track on the CD, but Hallelujah is by leagues my favorite.  It is on a whole different plane than the others.  I alternate between having goose bumps and tearing up when I listen to it.   The iconic Leonard Cohen lyrics alone are worthy of the highest praise, then you add in Renée’s voice.  Words fail me.

Another track that stands out is Today. To me it has a Grace Slick, Jefferson Airplane feel to it. I felt transported back to the 60s.  Another stand out is Stepping Stone, a haunting song about uncontrollable longings and finding the fortitude to not be used.  Other tracks that I found to be noteworthy are In Your Eyes and Soul Meets Body.

The songs are from varied sources and writers. They are universally excellently written. There are some wonderful turns of phrases in many of the songs that delight and run repeatedly through your mind.

This CD should be on everyone’s short list.  It is the best I have heard in quite a while.

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After I ordered this CD, I ordered a CD of her arias for my mother who loves opera.

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