Math, What a Concept

So I go into Menard’s to buy some oak boards for a project.  The total comes to $26 and change.  The checkout clerk pointed out to me that they had a promotion going that week.  If you filled out a coup0n and sent it in you received a 11% rebate on your purchase.

Not knowing what the total was before taxes I just spit-balled the rebate in my mind.  I said to the clerk,  “Well $2.60 or $2.70 is not to be sneezed at.”

She looked at the bottom of my ticket where the computer had calculated the rebate which was listed as $2.70

She acted totally astonished that I could do the math, let alone do it in my head.

I should have refrained, but I said to her, “Math, go figure.”

It reminded me of a sci-fi short story I read years ago.  Two sides had been at war with each for and extended period of time. Computers controlled the launching of missiles, as well as other military operations.  One side had a break through and came up with an innovation that finally won the war.  They discovered an individual that could do math with, gasp, pencil and paper.

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