Let’s Rumble…

In my painful attempts at writing, in my paltry efforts to describe Señora, I frequently refer back to her relationship with her mother. What her mother wanted was a petite, sylphlike, polished Jewish American Princess, JAP as they are commonly referred to. What the stork brought was from the Russian peasant side of the family, very much an Earth Mother, very much not a JAP, very much to the chagrin of both parties.

Señora has a very good friend that she has known since they were 16. Señora‘s friend would have checked off all the items on Señora’s mother’s menu of a perfect JAP daughter.   I cannot imagine finding her in the middle of an Ozark stream building cairns like an Earth Mother of my acquaintance. Because they occupy opposite ends of the Jewish American Princess spectrum, I tend to think of them as a case of opposites attracting.

Let’s Rumble…

I bring her up as she is out of town this weekend, and I found the following article on the internet:  All Elite Wrestling returns to Chaifetz Arena this weekend. Picking at Señora‘s friend, I sent her a link, and asked if she regretted being out of town and missing such a phenomenon. I just found the juxtaposition of her being there with the typical attendees of professional wrestling events absolutely delicious.

Her response was not near as sarcastic as it could have been and perhaps even should have been. It is tough having such a well honed sense of humor that it is often a mystery to so many souls.

Jackson, By Gawd, Mississippi

I bring all this up as it reminded me of an activity I tried to talk my fellow employees into while I worked in Jackson, Mississippi.  At the time I was working for the parent company of Saks Fifth Avenue. For various reasons of corporate mergers that I do not need to get into, the corporate headquarters was in Birmingham, Alabama and the computer center for Saks Fifth Avenue, as well as several other retail chains they owned, was in Jackson, Mississippi.

Laurel Van Ness

Once during the period I lived there, the WWE came to town. They were all  over local television and other media announcing the big championship of WWE pro wrestling to be held at the largest arena in Jackson.

I had a brainstorm

What would be really funny and probably get us on TV would be for a group of us to show up at the wrestling championship wearing Saks Fifth Avenue t-shirts or other boldly branded apparel, especially if they were in a standout color such as pink.  I spent about a week trying to sell this idea to my co-workers, more for the humor of it than any expectation I could convince a few folks to participate.  Not that most of them would have been opposed to going to a ‘restling match. After all, Larry The Cable Guy was very much a cultural icon in this part of the globe at that time.  They kept saying something about losing their jobs as management might not take a favorable view of their flouting the Saks Fifth Avenue logo in such a manner. They were mostly likely right, as management there had definitely sat on the proverbial stick.  In the end no one went, but who knows it could have had the legs of a Taylor Swift at a KC Chiefs football game, even if viral Internet stories were not yet a thing.

You should be blessed with a mind such as mine.

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