Lawsuit Claims Obama Discriminated Against American Workers.

The CF continues.  Apparently the Obama administration is in bed with InfoSys.  To quote from the article from Computerworld in this link Court case offers a peek at how H-1B-fueled discrimination works :37.1784

“The passage of the Affordable Care Act brought with it a burst of IT spending and hiring. The District of Columbia, for instance, hired offshore outsourcing firm Infosys for $49.5 million to build its Healthcare Exchange.

The India-based Infosys brought in H-1B visa holders to work on the government project. And of the approximately 100 Infosys employees working on the healthcare project, only three were American, according to a civil lawsuit filed in federal court.”

Just to be clear the discrimination they are referring is against citizens of the United States in the IT field.

To quote from another article Lawsuit: Tech Company Hired to Build D.C. Obamacare Website Discriminated Against Americans

“Data obtained by the plaintiffs indicated that Infosys had 59 locations across the United States that employed at least 50 people, and at a third of the sites 100% of the employees were Asian. Computerworld reports that “Infosys is among the top three users of the H-1B visa, and H-1B workers are predominately from India.” According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), nearly “58% of all the H-1B petitions approved in 2011 were from workers born in India; in 2012, that figure was 64%.”

Computerworld points out that “the Washington D.C. area does not lack people with tech skills,” for it has the most people with advanced and bachelor degrees among cities considered to be in the “largest metropolitan areas” in the United States. However, Infosys still favored workers from India.”

It is bad enough that many of our major corporations are in bed with InfoSys that, IMHO, generally results in the screwing of American workers, but our own government.  What a crying shame and a cluster fuck.

And so it goes.


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