Just call me Dr. Frankenstein

Señora and I went for a short stay a Pere Marquette Lodge to celebrate the February triplet of her birthday, Valentine’s Day and the anniversary of when we met, all happening within five days of each other.

Dr. Frankenstein’s Most Current Operation

For reasons inexplicable, early in this couple’s fiesta I related to Señora a behavior my ex developed late in our 22 years of marriage, her Southern Belle behavior. That is she would walk up to a door or stand next to a door, and just wait until I came along and opened the door for her. Señora must of thought this a brilliantly smashing idea as quicker than you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious she was doing the same.

Dr. Frankenstein’s Previous Operation

I grew up in a household with four brothers and a father all of whom considered eructation one of the higher forms of performance art. My father would commonly belch like the proverbial bull moose, never failing to elicit a less than positive response from my mother.  My youngest brother was infamously able to recite the entire alphabet while belching. While my father never crossed the wild frontier into flatulation as performance art, the rest of the males in the household found flatulence a very diverting and humorous pastime.

Unfortunately, I have carried these juvenile arts of eructation and flatulation close to my heart well into my adulthood and now my second childhood… much to the chagrin of many of my housemates, present and past.

After modeling this behavior for Señora  for over 15 years, she has decided to join the fun.  Well, the truth is that she has started taking a medicine that creates a situation within her corpus femina that necessitates the elimination of gaseous substances, and she has decided it is payback time… much to my chagrin.

Reckon I need to file these under be careful of what you say and what you do.

And so it goes.

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