Iconic St. Louis Foods


There are several foods that are considered iconic to St. Louis: Gooey Butter Cake, Toasted Ravioli, Provel Cheese, St. Louis Style Ribs, BBQ Pork Steak, St. Louis Style Pizza and a few more.  I’ve tried around 8 of these local favorites on the list in this article: St. Louis Food: 12 Delicious Dishes (And Where to Try Them)

However, the raison d’être of this posting is St. Louis style pizza, specifically from the iconic local purveyor. Yup, that one. This pizza typically strongly divides people into two classes, folks that love it, and folks that absolutely hate it.  Usually the lovers grew up in the St. Louis area eating pizza from this pizzeria. Generally, out-of-towners, after trying their first bite of St. Louis style pizza, look askance at the St. Louis native, wondering if this is some sort of joke.

The other night we had a couple over for dinner, and Señora prepared pizza for dinner.  This led to the discussion of pizza in general and St. Louis style pizza in particular.  Three of the four souls at the table had their provenances from other than the St. Louis area. Señora being the lone exception, and she thinks St. Louis style pizza was just fine by her.  Two of us absolutely hated it, and the third was so-so on it, but stated that his kids, who grew up here, just love it.  Adding that his kid’s kids had been infected with the St. Louis style pizza virus also, to the point that they always ordered it at least once when they visit.

Wikipedia gives the following description of St. Louis style pizza:

“St. Louis-style pizza is a type of pizza popular in St. Louis, Missouri, and surrounding areas. The style has a thin cracker-like crust made without yeast, generally uses Provel cheese, and is cut into squares or rectangles instead of wedges.”

Ruminating on last night’s discussion I came up with my own personal description of St. Louis style pizza:  Take saltine crackers or perhaps matzah, the unleavened Jewish flatbread, that has been left in an open box for a month.  Add any bargain store branded ketchup on top of the saltines or the matzah.  Follow with cheese from a spray can.  If you are feeling really salty, throw on a pepperoni slice or two.  Now warm this concoction to only a tepid temperature.  Buen provecho, mi amigo or more appropriately given St. Louis’s French heritage, bon appétit. 


And so it goes.

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One Reply to “Iconic St. Louis Foods”

  1. Having done two tours in St Louis, I concur with your description of the pizza. Then again, I’m from Chicago and we claim origin of the iconic “Deep Dish Pizza” which people either love or hate. My daughter still claims Pasta House cheese pizza is her all time fav. Go figure.

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