Hey Lauren Boebert, What about MY church?

Just to get everyone on the same page the First Amendment to the US Constitution reads as follows:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Lauren Boebert, the POS Representative from Colorado’s 3rd District , recently made the following statement:

“The church is supposed to direct the government, the government is not supposed to direct the church.”

“I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk. This is not in the Constitution, it was in a stinking letter and it means nothing like what they say it does…”   

For one of the many articles detailing this comment see: Rep. Lauren Boebert Calls Separation of Church and State ‘Junk,’ Says Church Should Direct Government

In a separate utterance, Lauren Boebert tells church crowd that she prays for Biden’s demise: “May his days be few”.

It appears that whatever classes/study she did in preparation for taking her GED exam, it did not include basic American Civics.

Separation of church and state was one of the principles very dear to the hearts of most of our Founding Fathers, who conservatives supposedly revere.

Boebert is well known for her gun toting ways, and her vociferous and adamant support of “gun rights”.  I refuse to say Second Amendment rights as I do not believe it was meant to allow idiots to walk around with AR-15s strapped to their backs.  She is almost as well known for her use of racial terms, her support of a useless wall between the US and Mexico, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and a general attitude of non-inclusion.

Heaven forbid that I dare speak for Jesus, but I suspect he would be pushing Boebert out of the church along with the money changers.  Or perhaps he would pity her as it is obvious that she is not playing with a full deck.

According to the Internet Boebert attends the New Creation Church in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Their website describes the church as a full gospel, non-denominational church.

Without a doubt, when Boebert says the church should direct the government she has her church or similar churches in mind.  Obviously, along with missing Civics class she missed history class.  The Catholic Church has a long history of “directing” governments, especially in Europe.  The kindest thing I could say about that history is that it was a cluster…

I have two legal ordinations.  The first is from the Universal Life Church of Modesto, California. The second Señora obtained for me as a present,  as I am a big fan of the movie The Big Lebowski, from Dudeism.com, making me a Dudeist Minister. They call their church, The Church of the Latter-Day Dude.

Generally, tongue-in-cheek, I claim affiliation with one of two religions, first that I am a member of The Church of Latter-Day Hedonists, or alternatively that I am a Born Again Agnostic.

My original ordination was in response to the obnoxiously pushy evangelizing I experienced when I lived in Mississippi.  This included in the office, which I believe is technically illegal.  In response to this I would point to my certificate of ordination on the wall of my office, I would then invite them to attend my church of The Latter-Day Hedonists which met at Smitty’s Bar and Grill every Friday night. They would become wide-eyed and begin to edge towards the door. This effectively put an end to their unwelcome attempts to save my soul.

I have a suggestion for Boebert. I am assuming that it would be not much effort to incorporate one of my ‘’religions” as an actual church.  Since I am doubly ordained I could head up this church.  I can think of several possible titles, but I am fond of Your Holiness, The Reverend Dude.  While, it is neither here nor there, I do have nine years of post secondary school education.  This perhaps makes me just a wee bit more qualified than Ms. GED Boebert.

I have a whole laundry basket full of policies that I would like to direct the government to enforce…immediately. Since among the first would be very strict gun laws, I do not see Ms. Boebert being particularly happy with my church directing her life.  But that is what she wants… the church directing the government.  Perhaps she should be careful of what she is wishing for.

And so it goes… om mani padme hum, Amen.

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One Reply to “Hey Lauren Boebert, What about MY church?”

  1. Whenever I hear the words “You can’t fix stupid” I somehow think of Bobo. She is without a doubt, the dumbest person in a congress full of the intellectually challenged.

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